
at minbie, our mission is to empower parents to protect the breastfeeding journey.

Featured blog

when is a good time to introduce a dummy.

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Steam, UV, or All-in-One? Choosing the Best Baby Bottle Steriliser

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Can You Wash Baby Bottles in the Dishwasher?

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How Minbie Can Help Babies with Tongue Tie: A Parent’s Guide

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Embracing October: Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

Explore the various types of pregnancy and infant loss, the importance of Pregnancy Loss and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and how we can offer support and empathy to those who have experienced these heartbreaking losses.

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A guide to the Minbie dummy with Julia Wilson - Co Founder of Minbie

Thinking about introducing a dummy? Well, good news! I’m here to help. 

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What do newborn babies do all day?

It may feel hard to believe right now, but the majority of your newborn's days are going to be spent sleeping.

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Breast & Bottle Feeding

Choose Minbie First & Avoid Bottle Refusal - Kate's Story

Minbie was developed to help mums just like Kate make switching between breast and bottle seamless and stress free.

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Breast & Bottle Feeding

Minbie's Merry Christmas Gift Guide

It's the most wonderful time of the year so here's our Glorious Gift Guide with gifts to suit all budgets and nurture all babies! 

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Breast & Bottle Feeding

Minbie helps you find the most instinctive flow for your baby

Whether you’re planning to bottle feed this week, waiting to establish breastfeeding or bub's yet to make an appearance, now's a good time to get prepared.

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When is a good time to introduce a dummy? 

The right time to offer a dummy is when you and you’re little one are ready!! These tips will help you both get started. 

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The Minbie dummy is here & mums are lovin' it!

The Minbie dummy offers a new way for bub to settle themselves without affecting their latch or your breastfeeding journey.

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Minbie - A more comfortable pump and a feeding system to suit your needs!

Author and mum Nell began breastfeeding the moment she became a mother, however, she knew she needed a plan in place to protect her breastfeeding bond whilst she was away.

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Occasional bottle feeds made easy with Minbie

Mark chose Minbie and made it his mission to make it work for bub and for mum's sake too, and there was no looking back. 

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Minbie "worked a treat" for new Mums Arabella & Chelsea

These friends have enjoyed the flexibility that comes with offering their little ones a Minbie bottle. 

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How to get the best out of your Minbie Breast Pump

Here's how to get the most out of your breast pump so you can concentrate on that (other) gorgeous little bundle.

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Jules and Jimmy are ready for anything with the Minbie Bottle Feeding System

Opting for the Minbie Complete Package gives new families like Jules & Jimmy the freedom to pick and choose how they organise their schedule. 

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Breast & Bottle feeding twins with Minbie - Simone's Story

Having a safe and supportive feeding system in place when you’re expecting twins will enable you to take the pressure off when you need to, knowing your breastfeeding bond is protected.

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Minbie's New Steam Steriliser & Dryer Saves Families Even More Time

Introducing the new larger capacity Minbie Steriliser to their routine, saved new parents Kelvin and Stacy time to concentrate on baby Asher. 

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expressing breast milk

10 reasons why a great Breast Pump makes all the difference

Pumping and bottle-feeding is part of the breastfeeding journey for many Mums, and a great breast pump can help make the process as comfortable, efficient and enjoyable as possible. Here are some things to consider before you decide which pump is right for you.

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Breastfeeding & Biting! Minbie's Top Tips To Stop Bub Biting You!

Ok Mamas, prepare yourselves. We’re talking about…. biting! 

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Considering giving up Breastfeeding because your breast pump is letting you down?? Read this first!!

Minbie's pump has been created to complement breastfeeding and support mums, giving you the freedom & power to choose what’s best for you and your baby.

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Minbie's here to help you & bub make weaning as seamless as possible

Choosing to offer a Minbie teat when you’re weaning your baby off the breast will enable bub to continue feeding with the same technique they’ve used since birth. 

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6 Tips to help you understand & avoid nipple confusion

We thought it was time to clear up the confusion around the confusion and get things straight once and for all! 

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Minbie Helps New Dads Support Breastfeeding

New dad Mark wanted to make sure he could offer as much help as possible to his wife and get his fair share of bonding time too! Here's how Minbie made that possible.

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Mum Hannah tells us why the Minbie breast pump is “ the best” she’s ever used

New mum Hannah tells us why she wouldn't be without her Minbie breast pump!

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Overabundant milk supply? Read how new mum Natalie was supported by the Minbie Breast Pump

The ability to express just the right amount of milk in more comfort and less time makes this one of the best pumps around when it comes to supporting every mums journey!

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"How Minbie helped my boy overcome Tongue-Tie” - Steph’s Story

Have you been told your baby has a tongue-tie? Steph tells her tongue-tie story here and how Minbie helped her and baby Albert get through.

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Are you holding your baby correctly when bottle feeding?

It’s important to remember that new babies are just beginning to learn how to feed. Yes instinct gives them a good understanding of the process however it’s still essential that you take charge and gently guide them in the right direction.

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PP or PPSU? Which is the best baby bottle for your family?

The differences between the PP & the PPSU bottles may seem small, but understanding them could save you time & money! 

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Preparing for motherhood & breastfeeding success with Minbie

If you’re expecting and planning to breastfeed, now is a great time to invest in the support you’ll need to get you through.

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Minbie Supports Breastfeeding So Mums Can Safely Return To Work

When it’s time to head back to work, you want to know your baby is still feeding using the same technique they would if you were there. Read Cindy's story of how Minbie was a 'game changer' for her family.

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3 reasons not to use standard teats

We created the Minbie so that you can give your little one a bottle without risk to their hard-working instinctive breastfeeding technique. Read more about how Minbie can help you overcome breastfeeding challenges.

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Minbie Gives Breastfeeding Mums The Freedom They Deserve

Desperate for a little freedom? Meet some mums who have discovered the freedom, reassurance and ease that Minbie brings to breastfeeding journeys.

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Minbie Supports Breastfeeding & Helps You All Sleep Like Babies

Minbie has the feeding solutions you need to have seamless breast to bottle transitions, calm night feeds and that highly coveted ‘good night’s sleep’. 

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Top Baby Shower Gifts From Minbie To Nurture Breastfeeding

Gifting from Minbie not only gives the receiver the best in breastfeeding support but it also enables everyone around to lend a hand. A Minbie gift tells Mum you're ready to help her in any way you can.

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“Minbie made the first weeks of motherhood stress free” Leila’s Story

Breastfeeding isn’t always an option in those very early days, and for many of us, we need a little help to get going. Minbie gives you a real chance of success by allowing you to offer your newborn a teat that has been designed encourage bub's instinctive breastfeeding technique.

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Minbie mum Latasha urges all breastfeeding families to try Minbie first!

Helping new families begin and successfully maintain their breastfeeding journey with ease is what we really care about at Minbie.

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Minbie is helping Mums increase their milk supply & continue breastfeeding!

Minbie has helped many new mums build their milk supply with the help of our award winning, breast like bottles.

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Finding the right bottle & teat to support your breastfeeding journey is critical, not only to ensure that there is no confusion when switching between breast and bottle but also to avoid issues such as lazy feeding and weak latching.

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Minbie's top tips for sharing the breastfeeding load with Dad

Having the support of Minbie means you both get to experience those wonderful bonding moments with your newborn and build an exceptional bond with each other too.

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Baby Health

Baby Reflux - what it is and what to do about it

Is your baby suffering from reflux? Have you tried home remedies? Have you talked with your doctor? What can be done for it?

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Minbie - The best way for Dad to bond

Studies have shown that simply being present for feeding can help Dads bond with their baby, however, Minbie is offering you an even better way to be part of those precious newborn feeds.

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Breastfeeding and a low milk supply. Let Minbie Help!

Minbie has helped many new mums build their milk supply using our hospital grade breast pump and our award winning, breast like bottles.

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Want a better night's sleep with a new baby? Learn how Minbie can help!

The key to getting yourselves and your baby a better night’s sleep is a successful feeding schedule and Minbie makes that easier from the outset.

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Baby Health

Everything you need to know about Baby Colic

Babies lack the ability to speak their wants and needs, so they cry. It may be a nappy change request, hunger, a cuddling need, or a cry of discomfort. Read more about Colic here.

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UV Sterilisation vs Steam Sterilisation. Which is right for you?

From the moment babies are born they are exposed to harmful pathogens, microbes and bacteria that can put their health at risk, so it's incredibly important we properly sterilise their bottles!

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Finding the right bottle & teat to support your breastfeeding journey is critical. Here's how Minbie can help you!

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Feeding expressed breastmilk on demand saved Minbie Mum Ania's breastfeeding journey

You’re going to need a great deal of stamina, a willing partner to share the work and most importantly an incredible baby bottle!

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"The Minbie bottle warmer brings calm and comfort to our home" - Leila's Story

“I just leave it on, often all day, with the water sitting at the perfect temperature for warming, so when I take the bottle straight out of the fridge I know the milk will be warmed without losing the precious nutrients!"

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Breastfeeding success with Minbie by your side

Seamless breast to bottle transitions from the minute baby arrives is what we offer. 

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Breast & Bottle Feeding

Minbie helps Ania, Dario & baby Lara get breastfeeding back on track!

For many mothers just like Ania, a breast pump can be the difference between preserving or losing the opportunity to breastfeed.

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Minbie Baby Bottles Help New Dads Feed & Bond With Their Newborn

Meet Puneet, a new dad of a beautiful 4-week-old boy, who is embracing fatherhood and playing a leading role in his baby’s breastfeeding journey with Minbie. 

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Support their breastfeeding journey & gift a Minbie

Gift with Minbie and give everything needed to safely and comfortably switch between breast and bottle whilst maintaining that special breastfeeding bond.

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Minbie – Helping you become the dad you always dreamed you’d be.

Becoming a Minbie dad means you have given your family the best support from the start line. Minbie bottle feeding teats are the closest thing to the natural breast and the only teat your family need to protect their seamless breastfeeding journey.

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Introducing the UV Steriliser that mums just can’t stop talking about!

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How I finally got my Baby to take the Bottle! A mothers story.

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Baby refusing the bottle? Read how Heidi and her baby turned to Minbie to overcome bottle refusal

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Baby refusing the bottle? Minbie can help.

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Baby Health

4 Top ways to sterilise baby bottles

Our highest priorities are keeping our children safe and healthy. Sterilising their bottles is one key way we can protect our little ones. It’s important to not only sterilise baby bottles but to also choose the best sterilisation method.

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expressing breast milk

Breast Pumping Handbook: The ultimate guide to expressing milk

We know breast pumping isn’t always easy. That’s why we produced this ultimate guide to expressing breastmilk so you can get off to a flying start with breast pumping and troubleshoot any challenges you might experience along your expressing journey.

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Learn to express Breast Milk like a pro and nourish your baby

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Preventing nipple confusion. How?

I had a bit of an experience with bottle feeding when I was in the hospital; when I had my little girl. I had to do some express breastfeeding cause my milk hadn’t fully come through and she was losing too much weight.

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Bottle and Breastfeeding Myths and Truths

Confused about the best way to feed your baby? The Minbie team explain the common myths and truths about bottle and breastfeeding.

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More Tips to Transition from Breast to Bottle

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What to expect after delivery

A woman’s body goes through many changes with pregnancy and childbirth. These changes are generally normal. Some bodies return to pre-pregnancy form…

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Tips for transitioning bub from breast to bottle feeding

The question of when to start introducing a bottle... If you try too early, you are at risk of nipple confusion - which is when switching between bottle and breast prevents your baby from establishing an efficient latch.

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Baby Health

Practical time-saving tips for organising your house for a happier you

A new baby is a major life adjustment. This sweet little person adds joy to the family. But the weighty responsibilities of keeping things in order can drain your energy.

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Baby Health

Returning to work - how to manage breastfeeding and childcare successfully

Are you wondering if you will be able to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? You’re also probably wondering if it will be hard. It can be done...

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Baby Health

Are you safely preparing your baby's formula?

Studies have shown that more than half of the parents that bottle-feed their babies do not prepare their baby formula safely. What are the safe ways to prepare your baby's formula?

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Do you know how to safely store and transport your expressed breast milk?

If you’re expressing breast milk, chances are you’ll need to store and/or transport it in order to feed your baby at a later time. This is crucial for the safety of your baby.

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Baby Health

10 Top Sleeping Tips for the Breastfed Infant

The sleeping behaviours of babies are major conversation topics for parents and doctors alike. This is important because the sleeping habits of babies affect their lives and their caregiver.

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Baby Health

Baby burping: why, when and how

As a new parent, there are a wide variety of skills we all need to learn and FAST! One such skill is how to burp our baby. Here's everything you need to know!

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Breast pump and Expression basics

The topic of starting your pumping/expression journey will be taken in stages: what to look for in a pump, preparation, do’s and don’ts, and pumping basics.

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3 reasons why a mum may need to bottle feed: mum's experience

The most cherished thing for a breast loving Bubba is the breast. There is just nothing like the breast.  Really though you have to give it to them; they know a good thing.

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Returning to work and need to get baby to take a bottle?

Are you returning to work soon and looking for a bottle your baby will take? Have you tried other bottles and just not having a breakthrough? This is more common than you could imagine. 

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Are you master of your mum time?

Are you master of your own time? I am sure you have heard countless times that we can be the master of our own time-- that it is possible to do this if we achieve our life goals. But are you really? 

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Baby refusing bottle is a cause for anxiety for many parents...What to do

How many of you factored bottle refusal in your baby planning? It is very likely that you are only now knowing that this is one of the things to expect, right?

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Bottle feeding successfully as a family

Families need balance to thrive happily. Life is not just survival, taking each day as they come; life should be celebrated. Families achieve this when there is balance in the family when all are taken care of, baby, mum, and dad. That need is sometimes very simple: feeding one's baby.

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soothe & calm


orthodontic design takes the pressure off baby's gums offering better protection

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