Minbie's Merry Christmas Gift Guide

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It's the most wonderful time of the year and that means it's time to give the gift of a better feeding relationship! Yes, it's time to start choosing special gifts for loved ones & of course picking the perfect parcel to go under your tree too that'll nurture bub's latch and give everyone a more seamless & successful feeding journey!

Whether you or your friends are expecting or your little bundle of joy is about to celebrate their first Christmas, we have a gift idea that'll suit every budget and sit perfectly under those bauble covered branches. 

Treat Yo' Elf- Under $700 

Essential bundles like the UV Complete Package  and the Steam Complete Package include everything your family needs to start and maintain a seamless breastfeeding journey from the very first feed. Yes, everything!! Forget all the 'new baby' decision making, there's only one to make. Are you going to choose UV or Steam?

Breast Christmas Ever - Under $400

This excellent Breast Pump & Bottle Bundle bundle gives you the freedom and flexibility to pump on the go, in tune with your body and safely protect your little ones latch at every feed. You’re in control of your feeding & pumping routine from day 1 because the Minbie Breast Pump & Bottle Bundle gives you everything you need to support a nurturing breastfeeding relationship between you and your baby.

Our UV Steriliser has been created with the sole purpose of eliminating 99.9% of germs and harmful bacteria that live on baby gear & your personal items. Forget the microwave, the chemicals, and the boiling water, this easy, quiet and fast sterilisation process simply uses UV light, meaning it’s environmentally & family friendly. What a 'wow factor' gift! Yes please!

Best In 'Snow' -Under $200 

Investing in a great Steam Steriliser & Dryer , ready for baby’s arrival, is a sure fire way to protect them from germs lurking on their bottles. Within minutes your baby’s bottles are sterilised, dry and ready to be used again. Remove the need for boiling water, drying racks and microwaves and eliminate the risks associated with sterilising chemicals. You deserve a safer, faster, more effective steriliser for your family's protection and your peace of mind. Go with a Bottle & Steriliser Bundle and pair the steriliser with our award-winning PPSU bottles and teats to keep bub safe from harm and nurture their natural feeding development, avoiding risk of refusal.

On Your Marks, Get Set, GLOW - Under $100 

Minbie offers your baby a feeding experience that nurtures their instinctive breastfeeding latch, replicates the breastfeeding motion & prevents lazy feeding. Just pick your favourite bundle, the Complete PPSU Bottle Bundle or the Premium PPSU 0-6 Month Bundle and let Santa know!!

Santa's Little Helpers - Under $50

Introducing a bottle to a breastfed baby at 6 months or older can be tricky! Thankfully Minbie has been successful to avoid bottle refusal because the teat allows babies to feed with the same latch and feeding motion used for breastfeeding. The 6-9 Month Bottle Bundle will help your little one seamlessly switch between breast and bottle while the Premium PPSU Newborn Bundle has been specifically designed for the early feeding development of newborns, so it's the perfect way to protect your breastfeeding bond from birth! That's a special gift. 

Minbie’s easy to hold orthodontic Dummy has been created to soothe your baby  while encouraging smooth transitions between breast and sleep. Yes, this is the gift of sleep! That's got to be the kindest gift you can give a new family right??

That's a wrap! 

No other bottle feeding system offers such a similarity to the breastfeeding experience! The Minbie offers your baby a feeding experience that nurtures their instinctive breastfeeding latch, replicates the breastfeeding motion & prevents lazy feeding.  If you’re planning to breastfeed or are ready to have a little break once in a while, now's a great time to invest in the support you’ll need to get you through. Families who are using a Minbie, have no concerns about nipple confusion, they know their baby works for the feed, helping to avoid or reduce colic or reflux, proving that it's the very best solution for a reassuring helping hand. Just pick your favourites and give Santa the heads up!!

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Comfortably nurture your babies breastfeeding ability with the calm and flexibility provided by our complete feeding system.

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