Mother Nature hands mum a huge head start when it comes to bonding with your newborn, but, just because she has everything your little one needs, it doesn’t mean you have to take a back seat.
Studies have shown that simply being present for feeding can help Dads bond with their baby, however, Minbie is offering you an even better way to be part of those precious newborn feeds.
Feeding means bonding
Feeding your baby is so much more than merely 'helping mum'. Did you know that developing a strong bond and good attachment with your little one makes them feel safe and relaxed enough to experience optimal development of their nervous system? Amazing right? When your baby bonds with you and feels that strong attachment, you’re offering them more than just love & protection, you’re giving them the very best foundation for a healthy and successful life.
Nurture a lasting bond
Throughout the years there will be so many wonderful ways you can cultivate your bond, such as reading stories, getting outside and playing games together. However, whilst you’re still negotiating those very early weeks of parenthood, Minbie has a unique and special way for you to nurture a lasting bond with your baby.
Love our Minbie bottles!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“My EBF son took straight to the bottles at 4 weeks old so now his dad gets to be included in feeding times which is amazing for him to get a little extra bonding time and for me to be able to have a break every now and then.” Gemma.T
Bottle feeding with Minbie
Incredibly, a newborn baby feeds between 8 & 12 times a day! This can be utterly exhausting for mum so it's the perfect time for you to take over and enjoy your share of the bonding that comes with nourishing your little one. Minbie makes offering a bottle to your baby simple whilst posing no risk to your family’s breastfeeding journey.
The Minbie teat gifts your newborn the same feeding experience they have on the breast, so instead of risking that precious breastfeeding bond, Minbie allows you to safely & effortlessly take over a few feeds and bond with your baby knowing they'll happily return to mum later. Our award winning, patented teat was designed with these moments in mind.

At Minbie, we strive to make feeding journeys easier, less stressful and more inclusive. We are here to give families, just like yours, even more of those special bonding opportunities without risking baby’s instinctive breastfeeding motion.
Baby Loves Minbie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“Our baby loves the Minbie teats. This set allowed me some precious sleep and some serious bonding time for daddy and baby. It's great to know that baby and daddy have got it covered when I can't be home to breastfeed or if they want to go to the park. Great peace of mind in the knowledge that the harmful chemicals are left out with this lot and free express shipping was an absolute life saver too!” Tahlia.C
8 simple ways to bond with your baby
Sitting close whilst mum breastfeeds
Change baby’s nappies
Bathing your little one
Having skin to skin contact
Playing games such as peekaboo,
Sing to your baby or simply copy the sounds your little one is making
Talking and reading to your newborn
Keeping baby close to you; in your arms or a baby sling.
The only bottle my EBF baby will accept ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“My exclusively breastfed baby accepted the Minbie bottle straight away. A great relief for this Mama of two, and a nice opportunity for bonding with Daddy.” Holly.L
So many Minbie dads have experienced the incredible bonding that comes from being able to feed their exclusively breastfed baby. Planning ahead when fatherhood is on the horizon and choosing to have Minbie by your side will give your whole family the peace of mind to relax and enjoy all those special moments.
Successful Bonding Time ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“We purchased the Minbie Newborn kit before our little one was even born. I was very keen for my partner to be able to share the bonding experience that comes with feeding time, so after reading and seeing all the wonderful reviews about Minbie I didn’t even hesitate. Like some first time mums I had a bit of a supply problem with my breast milk coming in so I was having to express after every feed and we then topped up the little ones feed with either expressed milk or formula. From day 4 of her being in this world she has been using Minbie Bottles and we have had no issues or confusion with going from Breast to Bottle and it has been such an amazing time seeing my partner bonding with his daughter. Thank you Minbie for the magic moments we have shared so far x” - Becky.N