Putting your trust in Minbie to help you breastfeed and breastmilk feed your baby will give you the freedom to accept the much needed support of your family and will be a huge step towards having the best of both worlds from the very beginning!
We are passionate about enabling you to feel confident to be yourself and have the freedom you deserve without risk to your breastfeeding bond. Choosing to invest in Minbie means you have everything you need to create a breastfeeding routine that suits you, your baby and your family. Seamless breast to bottle transitions from the minute baby arrives is what we offer.

When we take our first few tentative steps into Motherhood, it can feel a little bewildering. Even if we think we are prepared, do we really understand how crazy those first few weeks are going to be?!
From pumping to storing, the Minbie ecosystem is here to help you to breastfeed and bottle feed your baby without nipple confusion, and to get the most out of those early days of Motherhood and beyond.
Minbie is more than just an incredible bottle that supports your breastfeeding journey, it’s a lifestyle. Minbie mums feel empowered to be who they want to be, and have the freedom they need to continue to be their own person.
The Mother & Minbie Symbiosis
The freedom to pump & store
Mastering the pump is the best way to begin your Minbie journey. Taking small, gentle steps, working in tune with your body using a pump that promises comfort is key to breastfeeding success. Minbie’s portable pump gives you the freedom to pump, at home or on the go and store your milk in the bottles ready for baby’s next feed. Investing in a great pump ensures more efficient pumping, which in turn, means more support for Mama.
More bonding moments
Allowing others to experience those magical bonding moments is one of the joys of being able to pump. Those tender moments cherished by dads, siblings, grandparents and friends are so incredibly special and can be hard to come by for exclusively breastfeeding families. By stepping into the Minbie ecosystem early on your journey, you’re enabling your family to help you and to share the feeding journey with you while not harming your mother-baby breastfeeding bond.

More ‘me time’
It goes without saying, you still deserve to be you! Of course things change when you become a mother. It’s so easy to fall into the ‘mum cycle’ of feeding, laundry, sleeping on repeat, but motherhood doesn’t need to be like that. Yes you’re a mum now, but you’re also a woman too, and one who deserves a little R&R every now and again. When you choose to follow the Minbie path, you’re making a promise to yourself, a commitment to breastfeeding and breastmilk feeding your baby, and to finding the moments that you may need to catch-up on sleep or a little time for you!
No nipple confusion
Once your baby has perfected their latch on to your breast it can be tough deciding whether to risk offering a bottle. However, when you invest in Minbie you’re awarding your little one a teat that encourages their instinctive breastfeeding technique, working with it, not against it. In fact, the Minbie teat has taught many babies how to master the art of the perfect latch which has in turn made them better feeders when they are put back on the breast.
Not many things in life are certain - but the decision to back yourself to breastfeed and breastmilk feed your baby and to include the support of your family - by investing in Minbie it's a choice towards having the best of both worlds from the very beginning!