at minbie, our mission is to empower parents to protect the breastfeeding journey.

3 reasons not to use standard teats
We created the Minbie so that you can give your little one a bottle without risk to their hard-working instinctive breastfeeding technique. Read more about how Minbie can help you overcome breastfeeding challenges.
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Preventing nipple confusion. How?
I had a bit of an experience with bottle feeding when I was in the hospital; when I had my little girl. I had to do some express breastfeeding cause my milk hadn’t fully come through and she was losing too much weight.
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What to expect after delivery
A woman’s body goes through many changes with pregnancy and childbirth. These changes are generally normal. Some bodies return to pre-pregnancy form…
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Tips for transitioning bub from breast to bottle feeding
The question of when to start introducing a bottle... If you try too early, you are at risk of nipple confusion - which is when switching between bottle and breast prevents your baby from establishing an efficient latch.
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Do you know how to safely store and transport your expressed breast milk?
If you’re expressing breast milk, chances are you’ll need to store and/or transport it in order to feed your baby at a later time. This is crucial for the safety of your baby.
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Breast pump and Expression basics
The topic of starting your pumping/expression journey will be taken in stages: what to look for in a pump, preparation, do’s and don’ts, and pumping basics.
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3 reasons why a mum may need to bottle feed: mum's experience
The most cherished thing for a breast loving Bubba is the breast. There is just nothing like the breast. Really though you have to give it to them; they know a good thing.
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Returning to work and need to get baby to take a bottle?
Are you returning to work soon and looking for a bottle your baby will take? Have you tried other bottles and just not having a breakthrough? This is more common than you could imagine.
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Are you master of your mum time?
Are you master of your own time? I am sure you have heard countless times that we can be the master of our own time-- that it is possible to do this if we achieve our life goals. But are you really?
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Baby refusing bottle is a cause for anxiety for many parents...What to do
How many of you factored bottle refusal in your baby planning? It is very likely that you are only now knowing that this is one of the things to expect, right?
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Bottle feeding successfully as a family
Families need balance to thrive happily. Life is not just survival, taking each day as they come; life should be celebrated. Families achieve this when there is balance in the family when all are taken care of, baby, mum, and dad. That need is sometimes very simple: feeding one's baby.
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orthodontic design takes the pressure off baby's gums offering better protection