Minbie helps Ania, Dario & baby Lara get breastfeeding back on track!

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The ‘not so humble’ Minbie Breast Pump is used by mothers all over the world, for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons mothers decide to pump are to collect milk so their baby can feed when they’re not around and to maintain milk supply for when mother and baby are together. Mastering pumping is particularly important for mothers who are struggling with those very early days of breastfeeding, and for those further along the journey who are considering going back to work. Pumping gives families the flexibility to offer their baby a bottle, build milk supply, regain some normality in their life and get a helping hand every now and again. (And we could all do with a helping hand right?)

For some mothers however, a breast pump can be the difference between preserving or losing the opportunity to breastfeed. Mothers, just like Ania, who find themselves in unexpected situations where breastfeeding hasn’t gone to plan, sometimes need a little support, such as from the Minbie pump, to get things back on track.  

At Minbie, we truly understand that fierce instinct inside new mothers to breastfeed our babies no matter what. That motherly instinct is so strong that we really will hold on through breastfeeding problems. 

This is where Ania’s story begins, in hospital, where, like so many of us, she struggled to get breastfeeding started. Ania very quickly found that her milk supply wasn’t able to keep up with the demand of her beautiful newborn baby Lara. Equal to a strong determination not to give up on her dream of being able to breastfeed, Ania was afraid to offer a bottle to her newborn and harm that important instinctive way Lara fed on the breast. After a few days of medical staff encouraging Ania to ‘keep trying’, steering clear of bottles and struggling to feed hungry Lara using a latex glove and a syringe, the new family were faced with Lara’s dramatic 12% weight loss and very few options left to try.


Everyone was exhausted, Ania was drained and baby Lara was hungry and unhappy, so dad Dario sterilised the Minbie bottles that had come in the Breastfeeding Bundle they had purchased during pregnancy. The time had come to put their trust in Minbie, to believe that this was just the beginning of a long, successful journey and the Minbie bundle was here to help them on their way.


Ania was obviously upset, having not planned to be offering a bottle so soon, however, with Lara dangerously hungry, she had no other option but to take the pressure off herself and believe in Minbie. 

Having the breast pump ready to use, and the Minbie bottles & UV steriliser on hand meant that as soon as they had made the decision to offer baby Lara a bottle, they had everything they needed to make this transition go as smoothly as possible. These new parents knew they were well equipped with the best in breastfeeding support.

The research Ania & Dario had done during pregnancy, reassured them that the Minbie teat has been meticulously designed to replicate the breast and hence encourages babies, just like Lara, to feed exactly as nature intended without the risk of nipple confusion. 

Ania turned to the breast pump, managing to express enough milk for Lara to take from a bottle, and that’s when this family’s Minbie journey began. Purchasing the complete package meant that Ania had everything she needed to begin expressing her milk straight away and feed her baby the safest way possible to maintain their close breastfeeding bond.

Thankfully, in this case, like many others we hear of, the Minbie bottle did exactly what it was designed to do, Lara instantly latched, fed really well and calm was restored. 

Offering a Minbie bottle and teat enables your baby to continue to feed as they do on the breast, honing those feeding skills, and easily switching between breast and bottle, giving you peace of mind. 


Ania was thrilled to tell us her story of Lara taking that first bottle so successfully and was overjoyed to see her newborn happily feeding on the pumped breastmilk. The huge benefits of the Breastfeeding Bundle for this family were the reassurance, peace of mind and the freedom that Minbie offers. The Minbie teat allows baby Lara to use her instinctive feeding technique, enabling her to seamlessly switch back and forth between the breast and the bottle without any upset. This, alongside the portability of the Minbie Hospital Grade Double Breast Pump allows mums like Ania to save time pumping on the go and have the freedom to choose between bottle & breast. Whether on a work call, baking banana bread or vacuuming, Ania told us that the portability of the pump was huge benefit for her family and worth it's weight in gold!

With determination and a little help from Minbie, Ania, Dario and baby Lara have turned their feeding journey around. Minbie has enabled Ania to successfully breastfeed Lara despite everything she was up against. As a family they worked together with the help of their Minbie products, to get into a rhythm that worked for them.

We work hard at Minbie to support and encourage mothers to keep a precious hold on their breastfeeding journey, so when we hear success stories like Ania's, we are delighted. 



Have you thought about purchasing the Minbie Breast Pump?


Here are a few reasons why mum's just like Ania use our breast pump:

  • You are committed to providing breast milk as a source of nutrition to your newborn but you are struggling to make breastfeeding work for you right now.
  • You would like to be able to accept offers of help and regain some of those lost hours of sleep!
  • You are keen to have a backup supply of breastmilk just in case you become ill or for some other reason can’t put baby on the breast. 
  • You delivered prematurely and need some extra support. 
  • You are ready to return to work.
  • You need to increase your breast milk supply to keep up with demand.
  • You have twins or higher order multiples who have a more demanding feeding schedule. 

Shop the Minbie Bundles Now!

If you have any questions or concerns about your breastfeeding journey and how Minbie can help, you can chat to one of our 24/7 consultants on the Minbie website.

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Comfortably nurture your babies breastfeeding ability with the calm and flexibility provided by our complete feeding system.

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