Isn't it just the greatest when you end up having a baby around the same time as your bestie? Not only do you get to go through the ups and downs of pregnancy and birth together (oversharing is caring), you also get to gush about your fave baby finds too! When new mum Chelsea was recommended Minbie, she couldn’t wait to tell her bestie what she’d found.
It’s so easy to become snowed under with all the tips, tricks, advice and whizzy products on the market when you’re still trying to navigate those early days of parenthood, so having a friend running the track alongside you (or even a teeny bit ahead) makes the experience a whole lot easier. Knowing you have someone who gets it, like, really gets it, is huge!
We tried so many bottles and they didn’t cut the mustard. Adeline was exclusively breastfed from birth and the shape of the Minbie teat was like nothing else and just made it so easy -Arabella
We just love hearing about mum friends sharing Minbie with each other especially when, like Chelsea, they don’t give up! Arabella took a while (and a few other brands) to get to Minbie, but once she did, and she saw Adeline taking the bottle, she knew, thanks to Chelsea’s persistence, she’d found the one!
Minbie has been developed to protect and nurture bubs instinctive latch, giving friends like Chelsea & Arabella the flexibility to offer a bottle as part of their breastfeeding routine. The Minbie teat gives families the opportunity to hand over to someone else, allow others to bond and have the priceless peace of mind that bub will happily take a bottle and feed when mum isn’t able to be there or when her breastfeeding journey has come to an end.
Like many mums, Arabella found the ease at which her exclusively breastfed bub took the Minbie astounding, and wished she’d opted for it sooner. She loves the peace of mind and freedom that comes with offering a baby bottle that replicates the breast like no other. After trying so many other bottles to no avail, this really was a game changer!
It definitely was a seamless transition and gave me a lot of independence back. With breastfeeding there’s a lot of reliance on you as a mother, and my partner being able to step in and help using Minbie bottles was so good. Life changing! - Arabella
Both Chelsea and Arabella have been using the Minbie teat as part of their breastfeeding journey, and have witnessed first hand the seamless switching between breast and bottle made possible by maintaining those inbuilt, instinctive feeding techniques. These friends have enjoyed the freedom that comes with offering their little ones a Minbie bottle. Minbie has given these new families the opportunity to say “yes” to a bottle at different stages of their feeding journeys, without having to wave goodbye to breastfeeding. Minbie has supported their feeding journey, allowing Adeline & Murphy to feed just as they do on the breast, giving them time to thrive and seamlessly return to mama whenever they choose.

“I bought the bottles before she was born to have them sitting there because I did want to exclusively breast feed but also know that she could take a bottle when she needed to. That was really important for me and my husband. And she loves them. She’s never refused them.” Chelsea
So, what makes Minbie different?
Generic teats on other bottles can make it easy for your baby to guzzle down their milk too quickly. The Minbie makes bub work for their feed using the same technique they use on your breast. This ensures that your baby doesn’t become a lazy feeder who prefers the ease of a generic bottle & teat which in turn can cause colic & reflux! You deserve a bottle that makes life easy. You deserve a teat that works hard to protect your baby, your journey and your family. A bottle feeding system like Minbie's is what you need to create calm in your home, give mum more freedom and allow others to get a snuggle too! If you and your friends are on the lookout for a baby bottle that supports your whole family and ensures bub is feeding in a way that aids their digestion, encourages the suckling development of the jaw complex and is gentle on their palate & gums, Minbie is for you!