Minbie Gives Breastfeeding Mums The Freedom They Deserve

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Deciding to breastfeed your baby means you have chosen to be the sole provider of nourishment for your little one. Whilst this is an incredible gift and one only you can give, have you thought about what you’re going to do when you can’t be there or exhaustion is at its peak and you desperately need a long soak in the bath?  Meet a few mums who have discovered the freedom, reassurance and ease that Minbie brings to so many breastfeeding journeys.


As you can see in the video above, Minbie's incredible correct latch teats and safe PPSU bottles are making it possible for breastfeeding mums to effortlessly transition between breast and bottle, changing their lives. Here’s a bit more about how Minbie can change your life too!

Minbie gives you the freedom you deserve

‘I thought this was just going to be my life now! These bottles have honestly changed that! Instantaneously’ Latasha

You are amazing! Breastfeeding requires a huge amount of dedication and right now you’re the only person in your home able to feed your baby which means you’re on call 24/7. Whilst being able to breastfeed is a blessing, you’re only human, and dreaming of a break is 100%, completely, absolutely OK! Being prepared with the Minbie bottle system which protects their breastfeeding muscle-memory, will make it much easier for you to take time out and enjoy it. You'll be able to let your hair down safe in the knowledge your precious breastfeeding bond, which you have worked so hard to build, is not at risk. 

Minbie offers reassurance when you can't be there to breastfeed

Reassurance is key to a successful breastfeeding journey. Knowing your baby is safe and feeding well is of the utmost importance when you hand over to someone else. Minbie has been created to give you that reassurance so when dad is doing the bedtime routine or you have a babysitter for that well deserved date night, you can rest assured baby will happily return to your breast. Mums who are using a Minbie bottle to feed their baby, have no concerns about nipple confusion, and they know their baby works for the feed, helping to avoid or reduce colic or reflux, proving that Minbie is the very best solution for a reassuring helping hand. 

Minbie makes it easy to switch between breast and bottle

‘It’s very soft, so when she puts her mouth around it, it mimics when she is being breastfed’ Trezanda

All new parents deserve a bottle that makes life easy. No one wants to have weeks of trying and failing with teats that don’t work. No one wants a struggle at bed time or a baby that refuses to feed. A simple, straightforward bottle feeding system like the one in our UV Complete Package is what's needed to create calm in your home, give mum some space and to sustain your precious breastfeeding relationship.

The ease of combining breast and bottle feeding amazes families who try Minbie and they never look back. 


‘We tried so many bottles. We spent loads of money & nothing seemed to work for us. Minbie has been designed with babies and families in mind, they work, and they’re so easy!’ - Latasha

‘Minbie is the bottle that babies take when they have rejected all other bottles, so I think it’s pretty fail safe’ Anna 

Having a new baby brings so much joy and, let’s face itso much change. Of course you want the very best for your family and we know you’re keen to make life as easy as possible whilst saving some money! (We’ve all been there!) Investing in Minbie brings you the freedom and reassurance you deserve whilst also encouraging less waste, financially and in your bin! Instead of feeling trapped and wasting precious time and money on bottles that won’t work, choose our award winning system that encourages your baby to feed just as they do on your breast without risk to your breastfeeding. Invest in our UV Complete Package today, and you're guaranteed to have everything you need to get more freedom and have an easier, more reassuring breastfeeding journey. 

Make the best of your breastfeeding journey & Shop our UV Complete Package now - SAVE $260 & get fast free shipping.

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Comfortably nurture your babies breastfeeding ability with the calm and flexibility provided by our complete feeding system.

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