
at minbie, our mission is to empower parents to protect the breastfeeding journey.

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when is a good time to introduce a dummy.

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Baby Health

Baby Reflux - what it is and what to do about it

Is your baby suffering from reflux? Have you tried home remedies? Have you talked with your doctor? What can be done for it?

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Baby Health

Everything you need to know about Baby Colic

Babies lack the ability to speak their wants and needs, so they cry. It may be a nappy change request, hunger, a cuddling need, or a cry of discomfort. Read more about Colic here.

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Baby Health

COVID-19 as it relates to you and your baby

Here’s everything you need to know about how to protect your baby from coronavirus, whether you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or bottle feeding

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Baby Health

4 Top ways to sterilise baby bottles

Our highest priorities are keeping our children safe and healthy. Sterilising their bottles is one key way we can protect our little ones. It’s important to not only sterilise baby bottles but to also choose the best sterilisation method.

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Baby Health

Practical time-saving tips for organising your house for a happier you

A new baby is a major life adjustment. This sweet little person adds joy to the family. But the weighty responsibilities of keeping things in order can drain your energy.

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Baby Health

Returning to work - how to manage breastfeeding and childcare successfully

Are you wondering if you will be able to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? You’re also probably wondering if it will be hard. It can be done...

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Baby Health

Are you safely preparing your baby's formula?

Studies have shown that more than half of the parents that bottle-feed their babies do not prepare their baby formula safely. What are the safe ways to prepare your baby's formula?

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Baby Health

10 Top Sleeping Tips for the Breastfed Infant

The sleeping behaviours of babies are major conversation topics for parents and doctors alike. This is important because the sleeping habits of babies affect their lives and their caregiver.

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Baby Health

Baby burping: why, when and how

As a new parent, there are a wide variety of skills we all need to learn and FAST! One such skill is how to burp our baby. Here's everything you need to know!

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soothe & calm


orthodontic design takes the pressure off baby's gums offering better protection

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