Preparing for motherhood & breastfeeding success with Minbie

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If you’re preparing for the arrival of your baby you'll be feeling all the feels, especially when looking at your never-ending shopping list. *We hear ya! Whilst it’s easy to become distracted by ‘all the things’ (been there, bought that) we recommend you get the essentials in your cart before browsing anything else! Minbie packages are not only a great way to be fully prepared for a successful breastfeeding journey, they’re also the perfect solution to nailing a chunk of your list before bub arrives. 

We spoke to New mum Coco and she explained the benefits she's seen from having the Minbie Complete Package since day 1!


Aside from being prepared to give breastfeeding the very best start, there are a few other ways in which you can get ready for this new, exciting chapter in your life!

Find your crew and love em’ hard

Finding your mum crew and having a strong support system in place even before your baby arrives can be huge when it comes to ‘surviving motherhood’. Antenatal classes, dare we say it.. Facebook groups, and other new mum hangouts can be an absolute lifesaver. Trust us, conversations with other mums over a cuppa in the early days when you’re sleep deprived will be a real mood booster and just the tonic you’ll need to keep you going. Your new friends will understand you & your situation better than anyone, so invest in these connections as they’ll be your ‘go to’ crew for many years to come!

Prepare yourself 

Being prepared with everything you need when bub arrives will avoid the 3am panic because you forgot the steriliser or the upsetting realization you don’t have any spare bottles when you’re on your way out for the very first time! Parenthood needn’t turn into ‘Parent Trap’, so avoid the stress & be ready to roll with one of our comprehensive breastfeeding bundles before the big day arrives.

The only nipple that works- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
So glad I ran across Minbie in those final days preparing for my newborn's arrival. I had to supplement just in the beginning with my last baby so I knew I wanted to be prepared for this one and I didn't want nipple confusion to be an issue because breastfeeding is important to me. My milk took seven days to come in and even 3 weeks later it's still not enough to keep up with my growing baby. The other nipples I tried, all "breastfeeding" friendly, came out too fast even with the smallest flow they had, and he would leak and choke. With Minbie his latch looks just like he's nursing we have no mess, no choking, and he's able to go from bottle to breast no problem!!! I couldn't imagine not having Minbie. - Jamie.B

Look after #1

You’re about to go through some huge changes, physically & emotionally. (Yes it’s time to face it). It’s crucial you begin looking after YOU (despite what your MIL says). Make sure you set aside time to focus on nothing but #1 during your pregnancy! Investing in yourself whilst you have the time will be worth it, and being in good health when your baby arrives will make everything from birth and beyond a whole lot easier. Use the next few months to take naps, go for walks, work those Kegel exercises whilst watching all the movies, and spend some quality time with your partner. It won’t be long before all your energy will be spent on a very little person so make the most of it whilst you can!


Thank you - very happy with Minbie! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I purchased the newborn feeding bundle before my baby was born. Postage was quick and the purchase was easy. I was hoping I would not have to use it, however it turned out I'm glad I was prepared as I needed to give my baby mixed feeds due to a low milk supply. I haven't tried any other bottle but my baby has been using the newborn teat since she was 5 days old with success and I can still feed at the breast as well. All in all, I'm really happy with the purchase. - Clare.C

Plan ahead

Have you thought about how you’re going to feed your little one or who will be looking after bub if/when you return to work? It’s time to get preparations underway! If you’re planning to breastfeed, now is a great time to invest in the support you’ll need to get you through. The Minbie Complete Package is a great place to start as it contains all you need for seamless breast-to-bottle transitions for the first 2 years & gives you the freedom to offer your baby a bottle without risk to your breastfeeding. Our hospital-grade, double-breast pump will help you pump comfortably on the go, whilst the steriliser & bottles will ensure your breastfeeding bond is safe & secure. This first-class feeding system that has mum & bub in mind is what will set your journey apart from the others.

Perfect for a breastfeeding Mum. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
My 11-week old bub is breastfed and before he was born I wanted to be prepared to have a good bottle for times when I'd express and my husband wanted to help with feeding or when we would go out and travel. I bought the newborn kit after reading only incredibly positive reviews and we have not looked back! He took to it immediately, no fussing at all. We recently drove interstate and our little man easily fed on the expressed breastmilk with the Minbie bottles. My family members can help with feeding and he goes back to the breast with no complaints. We can't recommend these great bottles more!! - Naomi.L


Prepare for the big day

First things first, research birth before you’re in labour! It may seem like we’re stating the obvious but you’d be surprised how many Mums wing it!! Knowing what’s happening to your body will help you understand what's going on and make it easier to stay calm throughout the birthing process. When you’re preparing for your little one’s birthday, make sure your hospital bag is packed, well in advance, with all the essentials, including our complete package. This package will give you the freedom to express colostrum if you need to, offer a bottle to your newborn if they need it, and have peace of mind sterilisation ready and waiting. (Plus you’ll be the envy of all the new mums!) When your baby feeds from a Minbie teat, they work for the feed with their instinctive, complex, breastfeeding technique which is better for their digestive system and for encouraging your milk-supply when breastfeeding. This is how our teat supports your mother-baby breastfeeding bond and how Minbie can help you continue to breastfeed for as long as you wish. 


I received my Minbie teats just before my daughter was born, so she had the pleasure of trying them as her first teat! I always planned to express and bottle feed so that she wasn't solely reliant on me for feeding, but I wanted her to be just a comfortable feeding from a bottle as she would be feeding straight from the breast. I had a few brands of teats in case so refused to latch on, but it's safe to say that the Minbie teat was the first and only teat she has and will be using! A lot of research must have gone into designing this teat because I have had no issues with my daughter feeding from it, and she most certainly loves it! - Brooke

Be confident

Last but by no means least, be confident! Of course, we all fly by the seat of our pants in those early days of motherhood, but it’s important you feel confident in your abilities and your decisions. Having Minbie by your side will help! You’re a mum now, and instinctively you'll know what’s best for you and your baby. Trust your gut, but most importantly, go with the flow. There are no rules, there is no guide you can follow, simply ignore the chores, accept all the offers of help and embrace being a new mum. 

If you have any questions about preparing for motherhood with Minbie, you can chat to one of our 24/7 Customer Service team.

Bundle & save

Bundle & save

Comfortably nurture your babies breastfeeding ability with the calm and flexibility provided by our complete feeding system.

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