Minbie helps you find the most instinctive flow for your baby

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So, you’ve made the decision to introduce a bottle to your feeding routine. That’s awesome! Whether you’re planning to bottle feed this week, waiting to establish breastfeeding or bub's yet to make an appearance, now is a good time to get yourself prepared with the right bottle and the perfect teat for your littles one's feeding stage. Along with the steriliser, breast pump, bottle warmer, dummies and bottles, our Complete Package gives you a whopping 16 teats to see you and your baby right through to weaning.  New families like Steph, Ed & Baby Ezekiel, find this comprehensive collection of feeding essentials + all the teats sets them up for success when they begin bottle feeding their baby.


To ensure we offer the most natural experience, the Minbie teat comes in various sizes, meaning our bottle feeding system ‘grows’ with your little one. Having a varied selection of flow rates gives your baby the opportunity to feed instinctively throughout every stage of development. This is important not only for continuing to support the latching technique they were born with, breathing & swallowing but also to aid digestion. 

"He latched to it straight away, and this teat works really well." - Steph

So how do I know what teat to use for my baby?

The sizes of each teat are marked on the underside, from birth (0+) all the way up to 12+, so you can clearly see which one is suited to your baby’s stage. When feeding your little one with the Minbie, it’s important you always follow their feeding cues. This simply means if the flow is too slow or too fast bub will give you signs that they need to move up or down a size to find the right fit where they can happily feed at their desired pace. A few signs to look out for are wriggling, arching their back, fussing or refusing to feed.

Having one of our bundles on hand makes this process of trial and error much easier. Not only because you have the fast effective steriliser so everything is ready to go in a short amount of time, but also because you have multiple teats to choose from throughout the journey. 

If your little one is fussing when you introduce the bottle a little gentle persistence over a few feeds is key.

"It's made it so much easier, totally recommend it" - Ed

Benefits of using the Minbie teat

🍼 Protects bub's natural latch
🍼Nurtures your baby’s instinctive breastfeeding latch
🍼Strengthens your baby’s breastfeeding coordination
🍼Avoids issues such as confusion and rejection
🍼Enhances and protects your mother-baby breastfeeding bond
🍼Encourages a more natural feeding action
🍼Replicates your baby’s instinctive breastfeeding motion
🍼Supports good digestion
🍼Prevents lazy feeding
🍼Anti-reflux and anti-colic

    “It's pretty easy going from pump to bottle” - Steph

    Just like Steph and Ed found, having a safe and supportive feeding system in place gives you and your baby the freedom to work at your own pace and find what works best at each stage of development. Choosing to breastfeed with the help of the Minbie allows your whole family to take your feeding journey one step at a time knowing breastfeeding is protected and bub is continuing to work for the feed whether at the breast or on the bottle.

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    Bundle & save

    Comfortably nurture your babies breastfeeding ability with the calm and flexibility provided by our complete feeding system.

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