Preparing for multiples might seem like a daunting task however, you really don’t need to be on ‘panic stations’ for 9 months. Babies are incredibly adaptable! They’ll have no idea if they’re wearing their siblings' socks and they’ll love you unconditionally, even if you confuse them for each other every now and again! (It happens to the best of us). Choosing Minbie to assist you on your feeding journey from birth will certainly take the pressure off. Using our breastfeeding support will set you up for a successful and stress free feeding journey and give you more time to sort the socks! Yay! New mum Simone and her partner have been able to successfully breast and bottle feed their twin boys with the help of the UV Complete Package. Here's their story:
Being prepared was the key to Simone’s success. She had purchased the UV Complete Package before her twins were born, knowing it would give her family the entire bottle feeding system with plenty of bottles and teats to satisfy even the guzzliest babies. Not only that, she knew she'd armed herself with a bottle that would protect her breastfeeding journey so dad could lend a hand, giving her the rest she needed to stay 'sane'.
The best option for twin families
Double the babies, double the bottles, double the mess, double the time?? Not with Minbie! Our packages give you everything you need to feed your babies and clean up fast so you’re ready for round two, three, four, five….! Yes, it can seem endless but that's exactly why we’re here! We want to empower all families to make the choice that's right for them, and with Minbie you can do just that. You can choose to offer your babies a bottle and still continue to breastfeed. You can choose when to ask for help and let others bond, as well as when it's 100% dad's turn to do the night feeds. Everyone can assist with Minbie, so your workload is halved and you have a little more time for whatever you wish. Sounds like a dream we know!!

What's in the box?
4 Bottles & 16 Teats - This package comes with enough bottles and teats to see you through your entire feeding journey and to ensure you’re not washing and sterilising around the clock. Crucially this bundle gives you a variety of teat sizes, which is perfect because, like Simone, you’ll soon see, no two babies are the same, even twins feed differently.

Breast Pump - For Simone, the breast pump played a leading role in her feeding journey from the outset. Her twins spent time in the NICU and the pump meant she could express and deliver milk to the boys when she was unable to breastfeed. This gave her little ones the liquid gold they desperately needed and encouraged mum’s milk supply so she didn’t have to worry about breastfeeding issues when the boys came home. Some mums, (especially when feeding multiples) find their breasts just need a break. These are the moments that the Minbie breast pump comes into its own. The soft silicone cups are gentle on tender breasts and the multiple settings allow you to pump at a level that truly suits your body.
Bottle Warmer - Having a simple to use, effective warmer is key to removing stress (and mess) from feed times. The pre-warm feature means that even with two babies, the waiting time is dramatically reduced and all those precious nutrients are protected.
UV Steriliser - This has got to be the most time saving, effective steriliser money can buy! No water, no chemicals, no hassle at all. The large capacity gives twin families a good amount of space for all the feeding equipment two hungry bubs get through. Its fast sterilising and drying functions combined with the storage option, frees you up, so you can simply tap and go get on with life!
Amazing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
'This might sound cliche, but this bottle has changed our lives! Twins - one feeds, the other didn't. With this bottle, we have seen consumption rise from 30mls per feed to 100mls per feed without fuss. We are so very grateful that we have found this bottle. We have shared this information with every health care professional that we are in contact with, in the hope that it will help someone else too. Thanks" - Scott.BHow to nail feeding multiples
Get prepped
When you discover you’re having more than one baby, it pays to be prepared! Get your Complete Package on order so when the time comes, you’ve mastered the set up and you’re ready to go!
There’s no time like the present 👉🏻You can order yours here! 🍼
Set it up
Having a dedicated feeding area in your nursery, lounge or bedroom saves you a lot of running about. Keep this space stocked up with clean nappies & wipes, muslin cloths, your breast pump, bottle warmer and of course something comfy to sit on for you and the little ones.
Make space
Have you thought about how your babies will be fed? Will they have a reclining high chair or be on the floor next to you? Will you always have someone there to help or will you need to quickly learn how to go it alone? There’s nothing wrong with starting on the floor, all you need are some great cushions and something to support your back. However you decide to get comfy, make space before the little ones arrive!!
Arm yourself
Have everything you need within arms reach! This is a golden bit of advice. There’s nothing worse than getting your babies settled and feeding, then realizing your water bottle is on the other side of the room. Make a checklist if that helps, and don’t get started until everything is ticked off.
Avoid the mix up
It’s important to avoid mixing your babies bottles mid feed. It will happen at some point, but a good way to avoid it being a regular thing is to place bubs bottles on the far side of them, rather than in the middle, so you can clearly identify whose is who's. Another way to be clear is to use a marker pen to write their *initials on the base of the bottle. (**Of course this only works if bubs don’t have the same initials)
Bottle feeding more than one baby at a time of course is a learning curve which you will absolutely nail! You’ll surprise yourself with all the ingenious ways you’ll begin to feed your babies without even thinking. With Minbie, pumping will be painless, warming will be gentle, feeds will be done like clockwork, and sterilising will become a breeze.
Having a safe and supportive feeding system in place when you’re expecting twins will enable you to take the pressure off when you need to, knowing your breastfeeding bond is protected. Choosing Minbie will help your babies seamlessly switch between breast and bottle, avoiding colic and reflux, which in turn will lead to better digestion and more restful sleep, for the whole family.
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