Minbie's top tips for sharing the breastfeeding load with Dad

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From the moment we give birth we feel that enormous responsibility to be absolutely everything for this brand new, helpless little baby. It’s natural for you to adopt the “I can be everything to everyone” approach, however in reality it’s just not good for you, your partner or your child. New parents Alexey & Maria were keen to share as much of the parental load as possible, so chose Minbie to ensure their shared breastfeeding journey was a success. 

No one should feel helpless when baby arrives

With the help of the unique Minbie teat, Alexey & Maria were able to share feeding their newborn. Minbie supported them to each build a special bond with Michael and establish a great routine, successfully breast and bottle feeding. Having this kind of support meant they both got to experience those wonderful bonding moments with their newborn and built an exceptional bond with each other too. Sharing the load from the very beginning is so important to ensure everyone feels as though they are doing their fair share and no one feels helpless. (Plus, it’s amazing what a decent night’s sleep can do for a Mum!)

“Having the support from your partner is the most important thing” Maria 

Introducing Minbie is the number 1 way to ensure no one feels helpless when a baby arrives. Our products have been created to empower your family to work together, to lessen the load and to help protect the incredible breastfeeding bond. Having a bottle designed to replicate the breast means that when dad is feeding bub, your little one will be feeding just as they do on the breast. No nipple confusion, just a well fed baby who will happily feed from the breast and the bottle, allowing mum & dad truly support each other.

Minbie’s top tips for sharing the load: 

Choose your Minbie: When you have everything you need to make feeding simple it will be  a huge weight off your mind and will inevitably make life so much easier for your whole family just as it did for Alexey & Maria. Investing in a bundle from Minbie will empower you to start parenthood the very best way possible and give you all the opportunity to rest when you need to.  

Create a plan: You will not regret creating a plan before baby arrives (& before chronic sleep deprivation kicks in). Deciding who will take on what responsibilities, who will do the late night feed and how the chores will be divided is a perfect way to begin life as a new family. However, be mindful that plans may need tweaking once your little one arrives, so taking a gentle approach to this will help you all on a smoother path.

"It's a very depressing feeling when you feel like you can't help or remove the burden of a hungry baby" Alexey

Take it easy: Exercise is great but no energy draining adventures right now thank you! There is no need to be training for your next marathon as soon as you give birth! It’s a good idea to keep the first few weeks as free and as relaxed as possible. Make plans for days out but also allow yourself as much downtime as you need. 

Stay flexible: Being flexible is crucial. Your baby may decide to throw the best laid plans into disarray at a moment's notice, so being adaptable will help you all navigate these sometimes unpredictable baby days. Minbie is the perfect safety net in the early days so don’t panic, work around any changes and keep supporting one another. 

Create a journal: Keeping a journal of baby’s feeding & sleeping habits is not only super handy for you, it’s also a great tool to hand over to other caregivers. This kind of record is also helpful if for any reason you need to visit a doctor with your baby. 

Get it delivered: There is no shame in having everything from your toilet rolls to your meals delivered when you have a new baby! No shame AT ALL! There will be days when no one feels like hitting the supermarket or cooking a healthy dinner. Call on your friends, call your mum or log in to your local delivery app and wait for it to land on your doorstep! No judgement here!

Manage your sleep: With Minbie you’ll be able to share the demanding newborn feeding schedule which will be a lifesaver for you both. When you work as a team, you’ll both be able to get the sleep you need to stay well. Minbie’s patented teat design safely allows dad’s like Alexey to lend a hand and take on some of those nighttime feeds whilst mum rests. Teamwork really does make the dream work!

Ignore the mess: This is not the time to be house proud. If it gets done that’s great, if it doesn’t it can be done tomorrow (or the next day)! Top Tip: The Minbie sterilisers acts as a great storage unit, keeping your kitchen benches clean and clutter free! 

Minbie has proven to be the very best support system for breastfeeding families across the world. Plan ahead and choose the best for looking after your new baby, yourselves and each other.

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