8 flow rates nurture your babies breastfeeding and jaw development.
life is busier than ever before and choosing to feed your baby with our minbie nipple means you aren’t doing it alone.
the intricate design of the minbie nipple is what makes it anti colic & anti reflux. it’s a total rethink of the baby bottle nipple.
babies who feed from the minbie are practicing their instinctive breastfeeding muscle-memory and therefore avoiding nipple confusion and lazy latching.
much higher heat resistance for safer sterilisation. tested safe from BPA, BPS, Bisphenol’s, estrogenic and androgenic activity (EA-free).
dropped or thrown, it has a much greater shatter resistance than any other plastic or glass; and it won’t warp or crack in the dishwasher.
looks like glass, until you drop it.
a clear plastic that retains its gloss even after plenty of times in the dishwasher.
new families love the bonding they can enjoy whilst knowing breastfeeding is protected.