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premium ppsu
0-6 Month PPSU Bundle
nurture the correct breastfeeding technique from birth for seamless transitions breast to bottle & back.
8 teats: 2x 0+ extra slow, 2x 1+ slow, 2x 3P paced & 2x 3+ medium flow
2 bottles: 210ml premium ppsu
product description
our 0-6 Month Bundle was designed specifically for the early feeding development of newborns to six months. it has 4 different teat sizes you need to support your baby’s instinctive breastfeeding technique for the first 6 months of life. these varying teats match your baby’s changing feed rate as their feeding need grows. by using only our teats when a bottle is needed, it protects your baby’s inborn breastfeeding technique - this is best for your baby's digestion and to avoid nipple confusion.
Why our teats
No other bottle feeding system offers such similarity to the breastfeeding experience! the minbie nipple offers your baby a feeding experience that nurtures their instinctive breastfeeding latch, replicates the breastfeeding motion & prevents lazy feeding. Minbie encourages babies to feed with a strong instinctive breastfeeding latch, providing valuable practice for comfortable more sustainable breastfeeding. When you choose minbie, you're choosing to give your baby and your breastfeeding the very best.
Safer PPSU bottles
PPSU has a far higher heat resistance than regular baby bottles, making it the safest material for your baby’s feed. These bottles are heat resistant up to 180° without any deformation or release of toxic substances so by selecting these lightweight, ergonomic bottles for your baby, you can be confident you’ve chosen a bottle that’s nontoxic, lead-free, easy to clean, and will stand the test of time! Our ppsu bottles are dependable and durable with all the qualities of glass except the breakability so perfect for high levels of usage. PPSU stands for polyphenylsulfone.